Kalleid Blog

Data Privacy Essentials in a Regulated Environment

Data Privacy Essentials in a Regulated Environment

Data has emerged as the biggest asset and currency in an increasingly technocratic world, and with great power, comes great responsibility. Data associated with humans (i.e., Personal Information) is used extensively in advertising, public relations, Marketing, behavior modeling, and ...
Implementing Agile Methodology in Regulated Environments

Implementing Agile Methodology in Regulated Environments

In February 2001, seventeen software developers gathered at the Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah to discuss an alternative to documentation-driven, heavyweight software development processes (i.e., Waterfall methodology). These developers were motivated by the ...
How to Create a Successful Software Credentialing Program

How to Create a Successful Software Credentialing Program

In today’s fast-paced, digitally enabled, remote-work world, competition for technology-related jobs is fierce. One way for technology professionals (e.g., IT professionals, scientists, instructional designers, etc.) to increase their attractiveness to hiring managers is to ...
How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Corporate Learning

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Corporate Learning

Just a few decades ago, corporate training programs consisted mostly of onsite instructor led training (ILT) where instructors used computers and projectors to display slides for students in a traditional classroom setting. While onsite ILT can be appropriate in some circumstances, ...
Computer Software Assurance (CSA): The FDA’s New Approach to CSV

Computer Software Assurance (CSA): The FDA’s New Approach to CSV

During a 2011 review of medical device quality data, the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) noticed a variety of widespread manufacturing risks that were impacting product quality. A few of these risks included: An industry focus on regulatory compliance as ...
Communication Strategies to Combat Change Fatigue

Communication Strategies to Combat Change Fatigue

The phrase “the only constant is change” may be an understatement for what our labor force has been experiencing since 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in dramatic changes to the ways in which we both work and live. Changes in the workplace were particularly stressful, with major ...
User Acceptance Testing: Tools of the Trade

User Acceptance Testing: Tools of the Trade

Software testing and validation are essential when implementing any system designed to process, store, visualize or manage data. Most of this testing (e.g., functional testing, regression testing, security testing, integration testing, etc.) is done by IT members and ...
Digitization Does Not Equal Digital Transformation

Digitization Does Not Equal Digital Transformation

The U.S. economy is integrating digital technologies at an accelerating pace. In a detailed analysis of changes to the digital component of 545 occupations covering 90% of the American workforce across all industries since 2001, a Brookings Institute report determined that the ...
How to Apply Organizational Change Management in Agile Implementations

How to Apply Organizational Change Management in Agile Implementations

While the factors leading to success or failure of an IT project are many, the choice of an appropriate development methodology is among the most important. These days, most companies are choosing to use “Waterfall,” “Agile,” or some combination of the two. The Waterfall ...
SLAS2021 Digital International Conference & Exhibition Highlights

SLAS2021 Digital International Conference & Exhibition Highlights

Kalleid was pleased to be an exhibitor at the 2021 SLAS International Conference and Exhibition on January 25th-27th. Since its inception in 2010, SLAS (Society for Laboratory Automation Screening) has become the premier international community dedicated to advancing life sciences ...
How to Conduct Effective User Acceptance Testing

How to Conduct Effective User Acceptance Testing

According to a report from Forbes, 25 percent of technology projects fail outright; 20 to 25 percent don't show any return on investment; and as much as 50 percent need massive reworking by the time they're finished. Why is this the case?  It is a complex question that likely ...
Cybersecurity for Research Information Systems

Cybersecurity for Research Information Systems

When employees of the U.S.-based pharmaceutical giant Merck arrived at their offices the morning of June 27th, 2017, they were greeted with a disturbing message upon turning on their computers. PCs throughout the company had been hacked and critical files locked up via encryption, ...

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